Sometimes, getting insured so you can hit the open road is more difficult than it ought to be. If you have a poor insurance payment history or a less-than-stellar driving record, you may have fears of being rejected, or you might be hesitant to shop for a new plan. Not to worry, though, because A-Affordable Insurance believes every driver should have access to affordable, high-quality insurance. Whereas other companies might choose to deny your application for car insurance for poor insurance payment history, A-Affordable Insurance is here to serve all drivers across the state of Massachusetts with quality insurance that won’t take a huge bite out of your wallet.
Finding the Right Insurance for You
Regardless of your payment history, one of the core beliefs of A-Affordable Insurance is that all drivers should have access to insurance that meets their needs. And of course, it needs to be affordable, too – it’s in the name. If you have poor car insurance payment history, your priority should be to seek out an insurance company that will work with you to find a policy that fits your budget and meets your unique needs. Doing your homework on insurance providers is a great start. A-Affordable Insurance works with several insurance carriers and is committed to finding policies that offer great coverage without breaking the bank, even if your payment history isn’t great.
Don’t Sweat Your Driving Record
A subpar driving record can often be a cause for concern when shopping for insurance – but it doesn’t have to be. A-Affordable Insurance can help you, even if you have a history of accidents, tickets, or other demerits. If your driving record isn’t perfect and it’s causing you to worry about insurance, the A-Affordable Insurance team is here to help. We’ll work with you as best we can to make sure your policy isn’t negatively affected by your driving history.
Getting the Right Coverage
In Massachusetts, it is a legal requirement that you have insurance that provides coverage for:
- Bodily injury
- Personal injury
- Uninsured motorist bodily injury
- Property damage
Additionally, there are many optional types of insurance you might want or need in case your lender requires them to maintain your loan or lease. Whatever the case, A-Affordable Insurance holds the core principle that no driver is uninsurable. We’ll make sure you get the coverage you need and that it isn’t affected by an imperfect payment history or driving record. Furthermore, we can extend more affordable coverage through teen driving programs, insurance bundle packages, and more.
Get Insured in Massachusetts
If you’re in Massachusetts and have been turned down for car insurance for poor insurance payment history, don’t fret. No matter what your situation, payment history, or driving record is like, A-Affordable Insurance is ready to work with you. To learn more about getting the insurance you need with a less-than-perfect record, how we can help get you a high-quality policy you can afford, or to request a quote, contact one of A-Affordable Insurance’s locations today. And don’t forget, we do more than just car insurance. Check out the other types of insurance we offer.