Budget-Friendly Condo Insurance Available in Massachusetts

To many people, condo living is ideal. It offers the ability to own real estate without the time-consuming maintenance of a house and serves as a great alternative to an apartment. In Massachusetts, A-Affordable Insurance helps owners navigate the complicated aspects of condo insurance to ensure their investment is protected. By offering affordable policies and a simple process, more residents can access the coverage they need.

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The Importance of Condo Insurance

Your condo or homeowners association (HOA) will have its own master policy. The HOA insurance covers the structures, equipment, and property belonging to the entire association, as well as liability for accidents that happen in common areas. What it doesn’t protect, however, is the interior of each individual condo. Condo owners are responsible for insuring the following:

  • The space within the individual condo
  • Personal property and belongings
  • Improvements made to the condo
  • Fixtures and appliances owned by the resident

Many HOAs require members to purchase a personal condo insurance policy to ensure every unit is protected. Even if yours doesn’t, however, your home and personal property will not be protected without one.

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What Does Condo Insurance Cover?

A-Affordable Insurance’s policies for condo owners typically cover the parts of a condo that the owner is individually responsible for. They offer protection from the following damages:

  • Fire and smoke damage
  • Wind, snow, hail, and storm damage
  • Vandalism and theft
  • Accidental sewer discharge
  • Injury claims filed by guests

However, flood and earthquake damages are not typically covered by a basic condo insurance policy. If you live near water or in an area that’s vulnerable to floods and earthquakes, you should consider purchasing an additional policy to protect your property.

Finding the Right Amount of Coverage

Our team realizes the right amount of condo insurance coverage will vary between individuals. Your specific needs are influenced by your stage in life, the kinds of possessions you own, your financial situation, your comfort level when it comes to risk, and many other factors. That’s why it’s important to evaluate your needs before purchasing a policy.

First, it’s important to know how much your homeowners or condo association covers. From there, you’ll know how much you own is unprotected. An A-Affordable Insurance agent will help you evaluate the value of your possessions, your condo’s location, the levels of liability coverage you want, and your means in life to help you choose the right policy for your needs.

The A-Affordable Insurance Difference

A-Affordable Insurance was founded on the belief that everyone – even those with poor insurance policy payment histories – deserves access to insurance. We’re devoted to providing residents of Massachusetts with affordable policies to make sure your important investments, like condos, are protected.

With 15 convenient locations throughout the state and extended office hours, we make it easy for clients to receive the advice they need to find the best policy for their condo. To learn more about condo insurance or other types of coverage, request a quote or call us today at 800-89-SAVES (800-897-2837).

  • Rates are higher but for the right person is totally worth the quick service and faster DMV service

    E.T. J. Avatar E.T. J.
    January 29, 2024
  • I had Bianca R help me with my insurance and she made sure I was secure for my car. She explained everything clearly so I knew what I was signing, she was ready to fight for me when the car dealer was giving me a hard time. I would fully 110% recommend her or even give her a raise for how amazing she treated us and how fast she wanted to help get my first car on the road!

    lilliana lauziere Avatar lilliana lauziere
    October 5, 2023
  • A-Affordable SAVED MY BUTT. My previous insurance policy was cancelled due to non payment (attributed to a series of misunderstandings and late arriving letters), and when I went through my previous agency to find new coverage, the cheapest they found was a $4000 down payment and $450+ monthly payments. I only had two days to find new coverage before I would lose my registration on the vehicle. A friend directed me to A-Affordable, and Regina (the CSR) was able to get me set up with a new policy that was even less than my previous monthly payments! I’m incredibly grateful for how kind, understanding, knowledgeable and quick Regina was. Overall: incredible customer service, ACTUALLY affordable insurance coverage, and an easy process.

    Julia LaFosse Avatar Julia LaFosse
    March 30, 2023

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