What is that Turkey Talking About?

It is that time again. Tomorrow we will gather around the table with family and friends. We will break bread, enjoy libations, talk of good times…. and then, most likely,some turkey is going to open his or her mouth and ignite the fire.

Yes, we are talking about family and friend feuding at the Thanksgiving Table!


Here are some helpful tips that will help you to avoid RUINING Thanksgiving….

Thanksgiving Do’s and Don’ts:

Do- Bring your famous tasty string bean casserole.

Don’t spit out Aunt Molly’s famous Jello Salad.

Do- Have a chat with your little cousin about college and what she will be majoring in.

Don’t laugh when your little cousin tells you that she is going to place college on holdbecause she landed a great nanny job.

Do- Share what you are thankful for.

Don’t be thankful that Uncle Joey couldn’t make it.

Do- Have a little wine.

Don’t show your family how to open a bottle of wine with a screwdriver.

Do- Have a little pumpkin beer from the pony keg.

Don’t do keg stands.

Do- Ask interesting questions.

Don’t ask how crazy someone has to be to vote for ….

Do- Engage in conversation.

Don’t hit the person with the opposing view with the turkey bone.

At all cost avoid: Politics, Religion, and FALLING ASLEEP AT THE TABLE!

I hope this guide will come in handy as you create another memorable

Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends!

Happy T-Day Gobble Gobble!

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