High risk auto insurance may be required by individuals who have been determined to be a greater liability for insurance providers than other drivers. What causes their increased risk? Many drivers have been labeled road hazards because of drinking and driving.
Depending on your location, there may be two distinc tcharges you face if you make the mistake of climbing behind the wheel after partaking in alcohol.
Driving under the influence, or DUI: in some states this charged is used for drivers whose blood-alcohol level is at the lower end of the ‘over the limit’ scale; while those with a higher level of intoxication might be charged with DWI (driving while intoxicated). In many states, there is only one charge: some jurisdictions might call it DWI while others refer to it as DUI. Both charges are ideally avoided!
Were you forced to purchase high risk auto insurance because of your past mistakes? While it may be worth it to pay a higher premium in order to keep the independence granted by driving, it should also be your goal to eventually obtain a regular policy by demonstrating that you’re a safe and responsible driver.